
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween fun

 15 minutes before the "trunk or treat"  I'm still working on costumes. I don't know why I do this to myself, but I do it without fail every year. I work well under pressure, wait, let me clarify: I work quickly under pressure. I am however a terrible beast when I'm stressed. My house falls to pieces and the children are eating candy for breakfast.Ask anyone in my house, and they'll happily tell you the horrid truth about me. The Husband said he was "done with this last minute crap". (His words not mine) I think he was just bitter because I made him clean out the family bus....ya, that's it. Despite the frazzledness that I bring on myself we had an awesome Halloween.






We had a grand time, scored tons of loot, and were loved by all of the grandmas on our street. All in all it was a very successful night! 


  1. I would definitely say you work well under pressure! Those costumes are so adorable! I especially love the little newsie costume--so, so cute. And you look awfully good in pink . . . if you ever need a drastic hair change, I think you know what to do ;-)

  2. Love them!! I'm the same way!! I'm hoping next year I'll be more on top of things...ha ha ha.

  3. Awwww...You look so "pretty in pink!" The kids costumes turned out great!


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