
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pinterest. It's what's for dinner.

I've been loving Pinterest....LOVING it! There are so many amazing
people, crafts, food(s?), fashions. I had a friend that I was talking to
about Pinterest and she's like, "isn't that the site that just makes you
feel bad about yourself?" Funny. I suppose it could be huh? Perfectly
adorned homes and people reside there. But oh my how I love looking
at all the pretty food. In celebration of my love affair with Pinterest I'm
creating my menu exclusively from my food board. And here's the line
up. I can hardly wait. Food this pretty certainly tastes good right? Definitely!

click on the pictures to see the recipe and the amazing blogs responsible

Crock Pot Teriyaki Chicken

Skillet Rosemary Chicken

Honey Sauced Chicken

Chicken Parmesan Bake

Toasted Ravioli

Slow Cooker Baby Back Ribs


  1. MMmmmm, Pinterest recipes :-) I've been using Pinterest to make my weekly menus, too! So much more fun than flipping through real cookbooks. The teriyaki chicken and toasted ravioli both look especially scrumptious . . . they'll probably be on my menu next week ;-)

  2. I am in LOVE with Pinterest too! And you know, it COULD make me feel crappy about myself, but I'm too busy learning and trying new crafts and recipes!!!

  3. Thanks for the link. The teriyaki chicken is great and easy.


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