
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cabbages and Roses.....Winning!

Have you ever visited Urban Farm Girl? If not, you should probably go there now! Her blog is so inspiring and lovely. Her taste in decor is stunning. Awhile back I learned (from her blog) that Cabbages and Roses were teaming up with Moda to create fabric for us folks in the US that love C&B! "Hooray" I said. To make things even more fun she hosted a giveaway for 2 yards of lovely Moda/C&R fabric! So I entered....you know what? Freakishly I won! I think I screamed a little, and I may have startled husband at the same time. But whatever.
Constance Cotlin - Cabbages & Roses, FloralParis Rose Cotlin - Cabbages & Roses, Floral

Even the packaging is pretty. sigh

oh lovely lovely fabric.....now what to do with you??

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