
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

thoughts about a boy and some bags

Summer has officially begun....today. I'm so excited.
No schedules, no waking up early, no morning time
stress. It's gonna be an awesome 6 weeks (year round school).

This school year is going to be a tough one though. My Spencer
boy is starting kindergarten. With my 2 older girls I
wasn't sad to send them (horrible mom I know). But for some reason
I'm getting really sad about him going off to school.

He's been my little buddy. He's usually the one that loves me and
he gives the best "Spencer hugs"of all time. Here are some bags I
made for his preschool teachers.......
They liked Spencer hugs too!


  1. This is really cute! I would love to see a tutorial on this!!! Kindergarten is a hard transition for all parents..no matter how many kids you have sent through! I am a K-teacher! It is always harder on the parents than the kids at the beginning! My first just finished K and he is on to 1st! That is what really scares me!

  2. First of all, I LOVE the bags! So cute. Second, I don't think it makes you a bad mom to be excited for them to go to school . . . at least, I really hope not, because my baby is 9 months and I'm already a little excited about school :-) Third, I've always thought year-round school sounded awesome . . . do they go to a public school or a private school? (I don't know if public schools do year-round or if it's just a private school thing) And lastly, I hope you can hang in there without your little guy . . . but think of the AWESOME hug you'll get when he comes home everyday! :-D

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  3. Spencer's preK teachers are so lucky! Year round school is tough, my cousin teaches in one out in Vegas...


    Hope you have a fab 6 weeks!

  4. These bags are so cute!! I am loving them.



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