
Monday, May 16, 2011

wrist pin cushion

I love efficiency. whether I'm sewing, cleaning my house,
making dinner, or doing laundry I like to squeeze the most
out of the minutes that I have on hand. What does this have
to do with pin cushions? Let me tell you. I have this uncanny
way of leaving my pin cushion sitting in the wrong spot. If
I'm cutting out fabric I always have to run over to my sewing
table to grab my pins...and then I'll start sewing and removing
pins and guess what? My pin cushion is on my cutting table.
Good grief lady! What do I have to do? Strap it to my bod?!
Light bulb!
I know this really isn't an original idea. You can buy them at craft
stores for pennies. But what good is cute fabric if you don't cover
everything with it?

What you'll need for this project:

* a 5x5" scrap of fabric
* 1 1-1/2" covered button (just the top piece...save the bottom for another project)
* a length of 1" elastic (to fit comfortably around your pretty little wrist)
* a fist full of stuffing
* hot glue
* needle and thread

click on pictures for a larger view of "how to".


  1. I so need one of these! Thanks for sharing the tutorial! :) Chris

  2. That's so cute! And I have to say, I bought one of these from the craft store (for pennies) and I HATE it--it has a plastic wrist cuff thing that is so uncomfortable, so I only use it as a regular pincushion and never wear it. Yours looks much better :-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  3. This is clever and very, very cute! A lovely clear tutorial too - thank you so much :)

  4. I need to make one (or several) of these! I am always chasing after my pincushion as it walks away from me (usually propelled by one of my children)! Hooray! I am your 100th follower! come over to Greetings From the Asylum and follow me too!

  5. So cute and a great way to use ugly buttons! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great idea, I've wanted one but couldn't figure out what to put on the bottom so I wouldn't poke myself! Thanks for the tutorial!

  7. So great!
    Would you consider linking up to my "20 minute tuesday" party at this address tomorrow? http://sweetfloweret.blogspot.com
    It's for projects that: take 20-30 mins and cost less than 10 bucks.
    Great place for people to come and check out quick and inexpensive ideas!
    Thanks for considering!
    PS: I'm giving away 20 more button pony tailers! Here's the info:

  8. This is so clever and so much cuter then the ones you can get at the sewing store. I need to make one of these because I tell you...my pin cushion is seriously ALWAYS on the opposite side of the room from where I am. Never fails.

    Thanks so much for linking up to Strictly Homemade Tuesday. I hope you will be back this week to inspire us all!!


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