
Monday, March 7, 2011

A hair cut and some dorky pics of me

I got super sick of fixing my hair....so I went to the barber.
Also, guess what?! I took some dorky pictures of myself
with my new camera!! Hooray for me!

I may have also spent some time in picasa.....who knows.

ps. I'm almost half way done with my ginormous diaper order!
Then maybe I'll wish I hadn't cut my hair. probably not though.
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  1. I love that haircut! I had it for over a year, it was a fun one. In the end, I only grew it out because I couldn't afford the haircuts anymore. You rock it!

  2. You are so freakin' gorgeous!!! I love your hair-you have the perfect face shape and features for that haircut! Just lovely!!!

  3. You are absolutely adorable. I go back and forth between this very same haircut (only a curlier version) and "growing my hair out." I say you keep yours this way forever b/c it's perfect!

  4. Oh my goodness! Thank you ladies for all the love! You're wonderful.

    ps. Melissa, I adore your blog!!


I don't think I've ever told you this, but I like your comments best of all......shhh don't tell.