
Sunday, November 14, 2010

a letter

Dear Momma P.,

Thanks for the sewing machine. It's beautiful. I have just the spot
for it! I'm going to set it against the wall in my living room and
hang a collage of pictures around it. I'm thinking I'll hang the
picture of you and Martin with all the grand kids hanging on you.
That picture still makes me cry. I miss you. Spencer still prays for
you. Actually he's started praying that you'll hurry and get done
with your job up there so you can come back. He misses you.
Someday he'll get it I'm sure. I'm sorry that I was sometimes
a stubborn, prideful daughter-in law. I really do appreciate all
the things you did for me. Sometimes you worried too much but
it's probably just because you loved me.


ps.Tell my grandpa hi for me.

1 comment:

I don't think I've ever told you this, but I like your comments best of all......shhh don't tell.