
Friday, December 9, 2011

Scrappy Christmas Bows

I wrapped all of our Christmas gifts a couple of days ago and let me tell you, I'm so darn excited for Christmas!! Not just for the presents, but a culmination of all sorts of lovely Christmas-y things:
Snow (a rarity in TN but I'm crossing my fingers)
Homemade fudge
Christmas carols
fuzzy socks
Sappy stories that make my cry (no matter how many times I've read them)
Great Christmas movies
twinkle lights around town
the good that the season brings out in everyone (usually)
My last project for "Top it With a Bow" weeks is a tutorial  for a "scrappy" gift bow (over the top I know...insert sarcasm) . I love the stacked bows a ton, but there are already a huge amount of tutes on that. This is just a simple classic bow and I'm going to be dressing up all of our gifts with them this year!
To start cut out a simple template shaped sort of like this

Super simple and seriously you can make a stack of them in like 10 minutes. 

Next week I'll be focusing on homemade candies and cookies......and maybe a sewing project or two!
Happy Friday!


  1. Wait . . . so that means you've finished your Christmas shopping? Oh dear, I have some catching up to do. I love the way your gifts are wrapped--simple and sweet!

  2. Thanks for sharing this tutorial! Its so simple and gives the gift character!


  3. Cute! These are perfect! I can definitely make these :)! I've loved your Top it with a Bow-weeks, so fun!

  4. Your blog is a cutie! Glad I ran into it. Happy Merry Christmas!


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