
Monday, February 14, 2011


I always mean to blow Valentine's day out of the
water with giant heart shaped sugar cookies, pink
pancakes, and homemade truffles. It mostly never
happens. But here are some things that did get done
for this mushy day.

A valentine box

Don't judge me because I took over my kid's project.
Besides, she's the one that came up with the oven

I know I'm lame.

And I couldn't send my older girls to school without
a valentine from me. Monogrammed ruffley cuffs!
kinda rolls off your tongue doesn't it?

Here's to a great kissy smoochy lovey dovey day!!
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  1. The Ruffled Cuffs are too Cute! I'm sure ur girls were excited to wear them.


  2. Those ruffled cuffs are adorable. I love them. I linked over from Sew Chatty. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at www.diybydesign.blogspot.com. Thanks so much.

  3. Your mom always made the COOLEST Valentine's boxes for you, and it looks like you've carried on the tradition! Good job!!!

  4. Ok those Ruffly Cuffs are so cute. I need a tutorial. What a fun project!


  5. Very cute. I too sometimes take over a few projects that I should not. ;) Thanks for sharing at Fantastic Friday. I hope that you will join us again this week.


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