
Sunday, January 30, 2011

The best things are always gifts

My 6 year old was invited to a birthday party
and when I asked her what she wanted to do
for her present she immediately replied, "let's
make her a skirt!" Hmm one more reason to
buy cute fabric....."all right if that's what you
really want to give her....I guess that's okay"
These dresses are floating all over the place
nothing new but I loved how it turned out.
It's probably just the fabric....don't you just
love Heather Bailey?!! And then when I put
it in the gift box I felt sort of sad to see it go.
Sort of like sending a kid off to school for the first
time. Wow, am I a dork or what?!
but it's true.


  1. turned out very nice! I'm sure it was well received!

  2. This is so adorable, what a lucky birthday girl. Too bad I have 3 boys or else I would be making up a few of these. :) Please consider sharing your beautiful creation with my followers by linking to my blog bash K.I.S.S.=Keep It Simple Sunday, the link is open til Tues. evening. Happy to be a new follower.


  3. Cute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  4. This turned out so adorable! Would you mind telling me what pattern/tutorial you used? Thank you!

  5. I would also love to know what tutorial you used. This is way cute!

  6. Love this dress!! Thanks for auditioning for OMTWI! Don't forget to put the button in your post or sidebar!

  7. This is so cute! Would you think about doing a more in depth tutorial, I would love to make one! Thanks for sharing, I am your newest follower!

  8. Wow, this is so adorable. What a great gift to give and ... to get!!


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