
Sunday, December 6, 2009

new blog title and hot chocolate

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I've decided that this little blog needs
a better title...so from now on (until I
change my mind)you'll be reading
"simply homemade". I'm a simple gal...
not a lot of fluff so this seems to
suit me better. Also, I'm all about
homemade everything....so ya. There you
have it.

On to the chocolate right?! It finally got
cold in Tennessee so I figured it was time
to work on a hot chocolate recipe. It actually
turned out pretty good. If you're not afraid
of sugar and fat then this recipe is for you.
Lets face it, sugar and fat make things taste

1 Can sweetened condensed milk
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
dash of salt
6 cups of milk
1 Tbsp butter (don't freak out, this makes it)

Combine sweetened condensed milk, cocoa, sugar,
vanilla, and salt. stirring constantly heat until
just before it bubbles. Slowly add milk. Heat
through (don't boil!). Remove from heat and add
butter. Throw in some marshmallows, sit by the
fire (if you have a fireplace), and sip your
yummy chocolate.

Ahhh, it tastes like Christmas.

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