
Monday, December 21, 2009

nativity finger puppets

This will probably be the last post before Christmas and it's
going to be a lame one because I don't actually have the time
to do the whole tutorial thing.

Last year in my Etsy shop, I sold a couple of these. They're
pretty simple but they take a bit of time unless you're a
hand stitching rock star.

What I thought I'd do is tell you all the basics and you can go
from there.

What you'll need:

1 piece of paper
assorted colors of felt
fabric scraps
embroidery thread
scissors (of course!)

The dimensions of these little puppets are 2.5"x 2". For
durability I also lined them with cute fabric, and any of
the little appendages I doubled the felt. Other wise the
feltkind of stretches and can be pulled off. (Yikes)

The stitch I use the most when working with felt is the
blanket stitch. I just really like how it looks. Click here
for a diagram. The eyes are french knots. Click here
for french knots.

Remember that the faces, arms, wings, etc. need to be
stitched on first. When everything is in place (so to speak)
you can blanket stitch around the outer edge.

I hope this wasn't too lame and that I'm making sense.
Have a very happy Christmas and I'll be back next week!

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